Pastor Mark has been with us since October of 2020. His preaching style compares to a "Teacher/ Student" relationship, just as Jesus was with His closest disciples. Mark understands the importance of teaching in order to provide understanding of the Word of God directly from it's source. Since being blessed with Pastor Mark and his lovely wife Della we have had such a revival in the church. We made some new spaces for the children/ youth groups, including a nursery. We have started weekly life groups where we can gather and deal with real life problems while studying and growing together in God's word. As God continues to speak through Mark and grow our church we want to invite all of you to be a part of this wonderful church family. Mark is an amazing leader who cares about each and everyone in the flock. He does what it takes to make the church successful while taking his directives from the Lord above leading with wisdom and compassion. His main goal and our Mission is to speak the truth in love, which is exactly how he handles each and every situation he is faced with. Come out and see for yourself just how God's pressence is flowing in this church.
We have many Volunteers within the church here are just a few of them.
Youth program leaders are:
Patrick Sankolewicz
Randy Musgrove
Mandy Pool
Cindy Sankolewicz
Erika Damron
Clerical Duties:
Cindy Sankolewicz- Treasurer
Mandy Pool- Clerk
Ashley Johnson- Bulletins/ Newsletter
Bre Belyew- Newsletter
Life Group Leaders:
Mark Smithey
Mandy Pool/ Erika Damron
Event Coordinator:
Bre Belyew
Kitchen/ Meal Coordinator:
Jovella Rackley
Donald Rackley
Tech Booth:
Thomas Johnson
Zach Damron
Josh Whitehead